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  • . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;..; · ·:__.......;..;,;___...;..i.;;;.L_.;,:l..i..L..!;;....--1'---1---~:. -- :ia.:.....:'";\.__....::-t :- -::;:' . • . - -· AULEN, . .Roberts : llllliiiiil --l.,,. ,_ Frede.rlcksburgi Texas - ·- --·- ·- - ·- - ··- - --· . _: i
  • Kennedy in Hyannisport, it being a Saturday night. 'There is a sharp difference of recoJlection between Ivfr. Forrestal and General Krulak.{thon in the JCS as their Vicb1am man) as to •.vhether General 'Taylor ever cleared the message. I believe
  • inforr.nation from llichael Forrestal . in r.aid-September (I myself v,as away from mid-.August to mid• September), the message was clearGd by phone v1ith President Kennedy in Hyam1isport1 it boing a Saturday night. 'There is a sharp